Live Action Mulan

We have word today that a live action Mulan film is in the works. We get the following scoop thanks to our friends at the movieweb: A live-action feature version of Mulan, the legend of a heroic Chinese girl-warrior that ...

Up Teaser Poster

We have a teaser poster for you to check out today for the upcoming Disney film Up. Thanks to out friends over at IESB for the hookup: for the hookup. This poster answers a question I long wondered as a ...

Spielberg Returns to Universal

Earlier this year Paramount and Spielberg ended their distribution deal because High Lord Spielberg was not happy with their arrangement. A new deal was not established and now Stevey is leaving the playground and taking his toys with him. Univsersal ...

The Ugly Truth Poster

We have a new poster for you to check out today for The Ugly Truth, the new Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler Rom Com. We have cinematical to thank for the hookup. This is a simple poster that creates interest ...