Sims Plot Details

We have obtained news about the Sims movie plot. We get the following scoop from Producer John Davis himself thanks to our friends over at moviesonline: “The Sims, as you know, you can control your imaginary world, right? And our ...

Notorious Trailer

We are made aware of the trailer for Notorious thanks to our friend Mr. Tapley over at In Contention. I am now going to listen to B.I.G’s epic track Big Booty Hoes in celebration of this upcoming bio pic.

Cold Warrior

Lethal Weapon scribe Shane Black has decided to sit behind the camera once again with Cold Warrior. We get the scoop thanks to the professionals at Variety: Shane Black will direct Universal Pictures’ “Cold Warrior.” Based on a script by ...

The New Megatron?

This image has been swirling round the web, and the word is that it’s the new look of Megatron in Transformers 2. We get the pic thanks to our friends at moviesonline: I don’t think this has been verified to ...