Transporter 3 Trailer

We have the domestic trailer for Transporter 3 for you guys to check out today thanks to the good people over at IGN The Transporter films always have outstanding fight choreography. Even if the films aren’t your cup of tea, ...

Cher to play Catwoman??

The rumour mill must be getting a little slow and they are just making stuff up to talk about now. The latest: Nolan wants Cher to play Catwoman in a Dark Knight sequel. Get The Big Picture reports: The Telegraph ...

Kristen Bell joins Astroboy

In a star studded cast, Astroboy looks to be getting one more talent added to the list. Kristen Bell will add her sweet dulcet tones to the powerful voice cast. Movieweb reports Bell joins Nicolas Cage, Scarlett Johansson, Donald Sutherland, ...

I.O.U.S.A. Review

Thanks for checking out our review of I.O.U.S.A. The General Idea Plot Synopsis From IMDB: I.O.U.S.A. explores the country’s shocking current fiscal condition and ways to avoid a national economic disaster. The Good This film’s greatest strength lies in the ...

Toy Story 3 Poster

We have the new poster for Toy Story 3 for you guys to check out. Thanks to moviesonline for the hookup. I liked the first two Toy Story films, but am very excited to see the third in 3-D. I ...