Scream 4 Restart?

It appears that Scream 4 is still happening and the word is that it will be some sort of restart? We get wind of these rumblings from our friends at moviesonline: Not exactly new news since we already knew about ...

The Duchess Poster

We have a new poster to show you for upcoming Keira Knightley film The Duchess. Thanks to comingsoon for the image hookup! For those of you that would like to see the full size image, follow this link! This is ...

Lost Planet: The Movie

The video game Lost Planet is the next up to bat for adaptation. We get wind of this news and the following plot description from our friends at cinematical: According to Variety, Warner Bros and Capcom (who is becoming very ...

Castlevania Script Reviews

A pair of script reviews discussing Paul WS Anderson’s Castlevania have begun to circle around the web. I never give information regarding these reviews, but please feel free to read them for yourself if you desire to be in the ...


It looks like another film celebrating the poor life decisions made at bachelor parties will be made in Hangover. We get the following scoop from the party caves of Yahoo: Ed Helms of “The Office” fame and Bradley Cooper are ...

Eagle Eye Poster

We have a poster to show you today for the new Shia LaBeouf picture Eagle Eye. We obtained the image and plot synopsis from our friends at comingsoon. In the fast-paced race-against-time-thriller, LaBeouf and Monaghan are two strangers who become ...

China Censors Mummy 3

It appears The Mummy 3 has offended the sensibilities of China’s censors, we get wind of this affront from our friends at cinematical: When it comes to Hollywood movies, Chinese censors have always been a little strict. Case in point: ...

School Of Rock 2

It looks like School Of Rock will rock anew, today we have news of School Of Rock 2! Thanks to our friends over at comingsoon for the hookup! We previously mentioned that Mike White had finished and turned in the ...