Stan Winston Passes On

We have sad news to bring you friends. As most of you have already heard, Stan Winston has passed at the age of 62. We get the sombre scoop from the caves of Yahoo: Pioneering special effects and makeup artist ...

7 Minutes Of Wanted

We have scored 7 minutes of Wanted for you dudes this morning. We must thank the good people at slashfilm for the hookup! Check it out! My favorite part of this clip is when the guy steals the Nibbler’s truck. ...

Warwick Davis talks Willow 2

With the growing trend of aging actors returning to play older chapters of their chracters (Rocky/Rambo, Indy, Die Hard etc) in sequels LONG after their last chapter, it was only a matter of time before other roles were considered. The ...

Name That Torso #4

Last week’s correct answer was Krista Bell! And now the game continues with the fourth installment of NAME THAT TORSO! The answer will be revealed next Monday. The winner will have bragging rights and garner international respect! ****RULE #1 **** ...

Bolt Sneak Peek

The youth phenom known as Miley Cyrus takes us all on a short journey of dog discovery in the following video. We get this look at Bolt thanks to our friends at slashfilm: This is the a very small peek ...