Rambo Rules Rentals

It looks like John Rambo has been kicking ass in rental outlets right out of the gate. We get the following numbers from the Swiss money vaults of yahoo: “Rambo” was the No. 1 choice in DVD rental stores during ...

New Strolling Joker Pic

We have another Joker pic to show you guys from The Dark Knight. We get the hookup from wearemoviegeeks via moviesonline: The amount of stuff that has been loosed for this film is substantial. I hope we have enough surprises ...

Death Keeps Coming

We have some news to share about a promising western! We get wind of Death Keeps Coming thanks to our friends at the moviehole: ‘’Deadwood’’ villain Stephen Tobolowsky – currently seen as the equally devilish Bob Bishop on TV uber-hit ...

W Teaser Poster

We have a new teaser poster for W that you may feel free to peep at. Thanks to our friends at cinematical for the hookup: I am not fond of this poster. I am not certain that regurgitating speech gaffes ...

Transformers 2 Set Pics

Aloha international friends! We have pictures full of explosions to show you this morning from the set of Transformers 2! Thanks to our friends at slashfilm for the hookup! I really like the factory backdrop with all the smokestacks. The ...