The Promotion Trailer Online

The formula for a comedy based on two average joes fighting it out for mediocrity has been done. Employee of the Month made half an effort on it and banked its popularity on Jessica Simpson’s breasts instead of its supporting ...

E Dubya Dubya Cover

We have pilfered the cover of this weeks Entertainment Weekly to show you dudes. It features Josh Brolin as W and Elizabeth Banks as Laura Bush. Thanks to ropeofsilicon for the hookup: I like the duo. Brolin looks ok as ...


We have news today that Heather Graham will be taking the lead in a new dark dramatic comedy entitled Ex-terminators. We get the skinny from the professionals at Variety: Heather Graham, Jennifer Coolidge, Matthew Settle and Amber Heard will topline ...

Hancock PIctures

IESB has a number of pics from Hancock up on their site today. I have included 3 for you to enjoy the rest are available at the source: I don’t have a good feeling about this movie. It looks like ...

Global Metal Trailer

Special thanks to Henrik for the heads up on the trailer for Global Metal! This documentary looks like it’s going to impregnate me with joy. For a full review of Global Metal. Check out my nihilist friend Henrik’s full review ...