First Blood Re-Release

Fuckin’ right! it appears that Rambo First Blood will be re-released for a limited run in theaters! We get this kick ass news thanks to our good friends at slashfilm: On May 15th, Sylvester Stallone’s Rambo will die for the ...

New Babylon A.D. Poster

We have a new poster for the upcoming Vin Diesel action film Babylon A.D. thanks to our friends over at moviesonline: I like this poster, the light source surrounds Mr. Diesel making him look angelic, and the city floods the ...


Karl Urban still owes me 5 bucks for the piece of shit known as Pathfinder. We have been informed of his upcoming role in Relentless, thanks to our good friends over at cinematical: According to Variety, Karl Urban is set ...

Burn After Reading Images

We have some pictures to show you today from Burn After Reading. We get the hookup thanks to Alex “The Party Wolf” Billington over at firstshowing: “Computers are Neat-O!” “Pardon?” “I hate my life” “Who’s the mother fucker that interrupted ...

Mission Impossible 4?

Well Crazy McCruise is returning to appear on Oprah, which he hasn’t been since his “jumping on the couch” assault inspired by his desire to explain how in love he was with Katie Homes. So maybe Tom Cruise is making ...