Beverly Hills Chihuahua

Not since Air Bud has an animal movie poster made me laugh out loud with confused delight. Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the poster and plot out line for Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Thanks to IESB for the hookup! In BEVERLY ...

New Wolfman Pics

We have new pictures this morning from the set of the Wolfman thanks to our friends at firstshowing: These pictures are not too exciting. The costuming for the period looks good (so far as I can tell) and Hugo has ...

New Line Jobs Axed

It is a sad day for the good people at New Line. It appears that the merger with Time Warner is going to cost 450 jobs. We get wind of this tragedy thanks to the professionals at Variety: It’s the ...

V The Motion Picture?

It looks like the 80’s miniseries V is going to be made into a feature film, possibly a trilogy! We learn of this crazy news from the mouth of creator Kenneth Johnson thanks to The Dead Bolt via slashfilm: “… ...