October is finally here and we will be spooking you! Check out these oldies but goodies that are now showing in some theaters in the USA. That’s right, some movie theaters have brought back a few of your favorite classic ...
The names Little Richard and Donna Summer resonate across generations, leaving an indelible mark on the music industry. Their contributions have become the stuff of legends, and during the SXSW 2023 film festival, Magnolia Pictures, in collaboration with Rolling Stone ...
Donald Glover, the creative genius behind “Atlanta,” joins forces with Janine Nabers to bring us “Swarm,” a series that takes viewers on a journey from the vibrant streets of Houston to cities steeped in fan-inspired lore. This show immerses us ...
Gina Torres graced the stage at SXSW 2023, shining a spotlight on the powerful documentary “Under My Skin.” This film delves into a widespread, yet often overlooked, issue that affects approximately 31 million Americans – a skin condition known as ...
Affordable housing is a constant point of tension in New York City. New Yorkers often face life threatening dilemmas when trying to maintain affordable housing. Do I pay my rent or pay gas, utilities, & groceries? Where do I live ...
It is that time of year when kids are heading back to school. Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. Education, ...
Whose in first place? Beyoncé Knowles is in first place today as she celebrates her 39th Birthday. From the TMB family, we proudly shout out ~ Happy Birthday Beyoncé Knowles! Check out some of our favorite films with Mrs. Knowles-Carter ...
September 1st is American Chess Day! TMB joins in on the celebration by celebrating these three chess films with the biggest moves! The Seventh Seal (1958) | Trailer IMDB A man seeks answers about life, death, and the existence of ...
The American Dream is the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American. Whether we pull our selves up by the bootstraps or get a head start from family members, the below actors show us what its ...
Happy Birthday to Barack Obama who was born today on August 4th! TMB celebrates the former president’s birthday by congratulating him on his new deal with Netflix under Higher Ground Production Films. Let’s take a look at some of the ...
Nowadays we are watching a lot of TV news. Wouldn’t you rather watch the film biographies of celebs who have made the news? Let’s explore the below three films in detail. What really happened and how? Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich ...
For Carole Baskin, animals are our friends but for the individuals in these films animals are sometimes food! Celebrate food with TMB on Wednesday July 29th, National Lasagna & Day. Check out these trailers and let me know if you ...