Now playing in select theaters, “Chacing Ice” chronicles stark evidence for the case for climate change from a unique perspective; the photography of a global warming skeptic. Recently, ‘Ice’ made the coveted Oscar Documentary Shortlist along with 14 other ...
Go in-depth with your favorite actors, directors, and industry professionals. Explore their creative process, upcoming projects, and insights into the world of entertainment.
Robert Zemeckis owned the 80’s and 90’s with his classic Back to the Future trilogy, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Forrest Gump, and Cast Away. Zemeckis earned respect from critics and colleagues, while grossing quite a hefty penny at the ...
If you have ever seen HBO’s series “True Blood,” then you know of the character Arlene played by Carrie Preston. What you might not know about Carrie is her involvement in a variety of other projects outside of “True ...
Earlier this year we had the privilege of interviewing Concept and Storyboard Artist/Writer David Russell who has had a very successful career in the film industry. After speaking about his work on a variety of films and giving us ...
As much as I love documentaries, typically I do not find the musical documentaries as interesting as the serious subject matter engrained in non-fiction films, especially political/issue-based documentaries. Thankfully I came across “Lucky Girl” which softened my callous ...
“ParaNorman” is the animated stop motion, full-length feature debut from Chris Butler and Sam Fell. Chris Butler’s recent movie making experience was working in the art department for previous ghoulish stop motion films such as “Coraline” and “Corpse ...
“U.N. Me” is the new scathing documentary both sarcastic in comedic tone, heavy on subject matter from first time director Ami Horowitz. I sat down with director Horowitz after a screening of “U.N. Me” to engage in a conversation with ...
Anna Faris: Comedy’s Go-To Girl By Frank Pasquine @FrankPasquine Unless you’ve never been to a theater, don’t subscribe to Netflix, or never turn on your cable, you’ve probably seen Anna Faris. Remember? She’s the ditz in Scary Movie, The Hot ...
There have been documentaries on it, comedies have used it as bits of added humor, but there has yet to be a movie that both glorifies the world of LARPing while adding comedic value…until now. If you haven’t heard of ...
There are many important roles in film making, but only a few are visible to the public eye. As the screenwriter is responsible for a film’s dialogue, the storyboard artist is responsible for the layout of many key scenes ...