The Thundermans Return, directed by Trevor Kirschner and written by Jed Spingarn, aims to rekindle the love and nostalgia for the original television series The Thundermans that aired from 2013 to 2018. While it successfully reunites the original cast, including ...
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Written, directed, and produced by Kobi Libii (Koe-bee Luh-BEE) alongside producers Julia Lebedev, Eddie Vaisman and Angel Lopez, The American Society of Magical Negroes is a fresh, satirical comedy inspired by the “magical negro” cinematic trope popularized in American cinema ...
Little Wing, a poignant coming-of-age drama directed by Dean Israelite and scripted by John Gatins, crafts an emotional tapestry from a simple, yet compelling narrative inspired by an article from Susan Orlean. Starring an eclectic mix of seasoned performers and ...
If there is God, there’s the Devil too! If the Devil invades, you suffer No Mercy! Bollywood, this time, has released a one-of-a-kind horror-thriller that will instill deep fear in you. This is a sinister story that will make you ...
If you’ve ever wondered what happens when a rich guy’s world gets turned upside down faster than you can flip through your watch collection, then “Switch Up,” the new comedy-drama by Tara Pirnia, might just be your jam. Buckle up, ...
American Dreamer, directed by Paul Dektor in his feature debut and penned by Theodore Melfi, positions itself within the realms of black comedy a genre noted for its capacity to draw humor from situations others might find despairing or morose. ...
When it comes to supernatural horror, the concept of childhood fears manifesting into tangible horrors in adulthood presents an avenue ripe for chilling narratives and intense psychological exploration. It’s a disappointment, then, that Jeff Wadlow‘s Imaginary fails to capitalize on ...
Alison Tavel directed an intriguing documentary premiering on March 10, 2024 at SXSW about her father’s invention, the Resynator, one of the first synthesizers, a pioneering step forward in electronic music. Her father, Don Tavel, then 36, died in a ...
In an era where the lines between classic fairy tale narratives and dark fantasy blur, Juan Carlos Fresnadillo‘s Damsel emerges as a poignant reflection on strength, sacrifice, and survival. Scripted by Dan Mazeau, the film carves out a unique space ...
In the pantheon of animated franchises, Kung Fu Panda has carved out a niche that’s as delightful as it is deep, blending rib-tickling comedy with surprisingly profound philosophical musings. It’s a series that’s as much about martial arts excitement as ...
Ricky Stanicky is a comedy film directed by Peter Farrelly that follows the story of three childhood friends who invented an imaginary friend, Ricky Stanicky, to cover up for their bad behavior. For the past twenty years, Ricky Stanicky has ...
Stranger in the Woods is a horror flick that makes a noble attempt to stand out from the crowded genre, directed by Adam Newacheck and written by Holly Kenney, who also stars as the film’s troubled protagonist, Olivia. In an ...