Tsunami (2022) is a short film directed by Joel Shafer. The film stars Earl McWilliams and Franchesca Davis as its only cast members. This fifteen-minute film touches the topic of toxicity in marriages and lack of communication between married couples. ...
Honest and insightful critiques of the latest movies and TV shows. Find out if a film or series is worth your time before you watch.
“I won’t die in an accident or die of any disease. I will go down in glory”. The life of Indian commando Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan signifies this quote. The Telugu film industry has come out with a biographical-action drama titled ...
A Town Full of Ghosts Synopsis: Mark and his wife Jenna sell everything they have to purchase a western ghost town called Blackwood Falls in the middle of nowhere. They plan to turn the ghost town into a tourist attraction ...
Synopsis A young Norwegian woman, and her last memories of the five people who loved her most, recalled while experiencing a catastrophic event. John Smistad’s Review Was the beginning her end? Was this ending her beginning? Was everything in between ...
The definitive origin story of Buzz Lightyear, the hero who inspired the toy, “Lightyear” follows the legendary Space Ranger after he’s marooned on a hostile planet 4.2 million light-years from Earth alongside his commander and their crew. THE GOOD OMG ...
When life puts you in tough situations, don’t say “Why me?” Just say, “Try me!” Watch the heroism of the lionhearted Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan in Samrat Prithviraj, as he faces the tyrant Sultan Muhammad Ghori in an epic rivalry for ...
“Chaar Baas Chaubees Gaj, Angul Ashth Pramaan…Taa Upar Sultan Hain, Mat Chuko Chauhan!” This Hindi phrase means, “The Sultan (Muhammad Ghori) is on horseback at a distance of 72 feet and 6 inches from you, Chauhan! Don’t miss this opportunity. ...
“Mission is about people, not projects”. Signifying this quote; writer, producer, and director Anubhav Sinha along with co-producer Bhushan Kumar released a geopolitical action-thriller by the name “Anek” on May 27, 2022. Anek stands for “Many”, which signifies the people ...
Imagine a world without discrimination where men and women will have equal rights, including the right to live! To instill awareness in the minds of our fellow Indians about the prevalence of illegal female feticide in the country, Bollywood has ...
An intense action-thriller titled “Dhaakad”, translated as “Formidable”, has hit the big screens in Bollywood on May 20, 2022. Writer and director Razneesh Ghai brings the story of a daredevil International Task Force (ITF) agent named Agni in Dhaakad, who ...
After more than thirty years of service as one of the Navy’s top aviators, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and dodging the advancement in rank that would ground ...
Synopsis In this haunting drama, a night of reckless drinking compels a car mechanic to forcibly detox his best friend — consequences be damned. John Smistad’s Review Two men. One a pathetic drunk. The other doesn’t want him to ...