Title=Batman Begins
Summary=In this film, Batman is truly a dark character. Vicious, angry, fear inducing. When Bruce puts on the cowl and cape his true self comes out. This is the Batman film that Batman fans have been waiting to see.
Reviews encompassing a wide range of movies from Hollywood blockbusters to independent features.
Title=Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Summary=A good evenings entertainment, but it won't stay with you for long. The shining star here is the amazing chemistry and timing between Jolie and Pitt, a stunning couple together on screen in every way.
TextAd=Also check out Rotten Tomatoes Mr and Mrs Smith or FilmForce Mr and Mrs Smith
Title=Haute Tension \ Switchblade Romance
Summary=A very stylish, tense film, truly a suspense-thriller-horror to be proud of from the French. Gory and strong, and the story makes for everything.
TextAd=Also check out Rotten Tomatoes Mr and Mrs Smith or FilmForce Mr and Mrs Smith
Title=Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Summary=This film is smart, funny and quite charming all at the same time. Throw in some great action sequences and you've got a winner.
Title=The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse
Summary=Unfortunately, whilst double entendre knob gags work in a sketch show, stretching them out for the full hour and a half is a nightmare...Really disjointed feel to the film.
Summary=The camera work, editing, restrained writing and likewise performances bring it all across wonderfully. With a little more on some of the actors more action performances and effects you would never have realised it wasn't a full budget Hollywood short.
Title=Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Summary=Despite the odd cheesy moments, some poor acting and a complete disaster of a big pay off scene, the movie's actually close to the original Star Wars and doesn't feel like it came from the same stock as its prequels.
Title=Empire Square Series 1 DVD
Summary=Sick, insulting and degrading, but it's funny, and a satirical slap in the face for the way we live and value our lives. Usually with a nice little morale to tie it all up, just not always the one you would expect.
Title=Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Summary=I really enjoyed watching Revenge of the Sith. It is a strong film with a strong story, great effects and much improved dialog (with the exception of anything with Padmé in it). Star Wars fans should be quite happy... and non-Star Wars fans will enjoy as well.