We’ve seen a couple trailers for this movie and they’ve all seen somewhat impressive thus far cus really, when have we seen Bruce Willis get himself involved in a BAD sci-fi movie, right? Don’t answer that. This looks ...
The Red Band trailer for Seven Psychopaths just hit and I’m just going to be quick and dirty. Here’s the trailer, sound off in the comments and let me know what you think. So far the two words being ...
Snow White and The Huntsman is one of those movies that had us all talking. I’m not talking about the R-Patts and K-Stew drama, I”m referring to the e film itself. It was a tasteful and enjoyable retelling ...
I love DVD’s and BluRays. For the larger blockbuster films these little gems often include more insight into the filmmaking process than had been revealed prior with the upcoming home release for the Avengers being no excepting. We ...
Whether you saw it coming or not a sequel to Taken, the unexpected hit released in 2008, is coming to a theater near you. I didn’t think the original film needed a sequel because the movie constructed itself as ...
We certainly haven’t heard enough about Django Unchained within recent weeks but a new trailer to re-fuel Internet board talk is this new International trailer for the film. Okay, maybe it won’t encourage much talk within forums because there’s ...
Judge Dredd is remembered for many things. No, I can’t remember the name of his blasted city, sidekick/partner, or even his first name but I do remember this: He is the law. And guess what? There’s a new trailer ...
The Subject says it all. Here’s a clip from the upcoming Resident Evil Retribution that shows Milla Jovovich as Alice taking on a blonde Jill Valentine. That’s right, blonde. Resident Evil retribution hits theaters in a few weeks on ...
Lawless is a movie I’ve been queitly rooting for. There’s so much about the movie that just seems downright interesting on paper that I can’t help myself. A movie about bootleggers during the prohibition era with the government muscling ...
I loved the Avengers. I thought there was room for improvement but in comparison to other comic book films The Avengers is a diamond in the rough. A well received performer in the film was Mark Ruffalo as doctor ...
I have pretty strong feelings about comic book inspired films. I want them all to be good but often times that’s just easier said than done. Too many varying factors are involved iwth comic books evolving to something in ...
Sorry guys, I have to keep this one quick but I did notice that the first trailer for the Governator’s first starring role in his return to film has been released for ocular consumption! Huzzah! Rejoice! All those other ...