Anne Hathaway can sing. Seriously, she’s been doing it since she was a child so it’s with great excitement that she joined the cast of Les Miserables. Here is clip from the film of her singing ‘I Dreamed a ...
Have you wanted to learn more about the vessel that carries the crew to find humanity’s beginnings? Well then you’re in luck because it’s been another 5 minutes and you know what that means… NEW PROMETHEUS VIDEO TIME! Yes ...
I came across a intriguing super cut of The Joker as portrayed by Heath Ledger in 2008’s ‘The Dark Knight’ and happens to showcase every line of dialogue from Ledger in the film. In total the amount of ‘talk ...
And my attention once again lookes right passed ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ and lands right onto The Dark Knight Rises as this new TV spot actually manages to do something that the last Spider-Man clip didn’t: Show us something new. ...
And the Amazing Spider-Man promotion continues as now the Australian trailer for the film has found its way online. Not too much “new” to find here but it is a new is in the eye of the beholder and this ...
What if we could put on Wes Anderson goggles and look at the world through his eyes. How differently would things appear to us? We may not be able to answer that questions, yet, but we can get a visual ...
The last time we saw a clip of Cogan’s Trade Killin Them Softly we saw Ray Liotta receiving a royal ass-whooping. This new clip features Brad Pitt explaining the benefits of Killin Them Softly over the up close and emotionally ...
A new red band trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is now available for your viewing pleasure. This is the way everyone should see the trailer, more blood and more gore. Via: IGN It’s a cool concept of seeing such ...
The Dark Knight Rises is approaching full marketing mode and as the release date inches closer and closer we’re getting more and more! Today we have a few more high res photo’s from the film and a couple of TV ...
The first trailer for the Great Gatsby has made its way to the web marking another appearance for Leonardo DiCaprio in addition to his turn in the upcoming Django Unchained but this time teaming with Isla Fisher, Jason Clarke, Elizabeth ...
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that Bill Murray is good for more than a few good laughs. He’s fantastic at that but he’s also someone who’d proven himself to have some range and step outside the typical comedic boundaries for ...
EW got to do a set visit for the upcoming film starring Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Governator recently and gave us our first video look at the cast in costume and the set. It’s a very brief look but a ...