Ah, the Back to the Future craze came and went as we all celebrated October 21st 2015, the actual date visited in the time traveling tale. Some folks still have the movie on their mind and went ahead and revised ...
Ride Along 2 is going to release in 2016 and there’s a new trailer to help put this movie on our radars. I remember walking intot he first movie with low expectations as Hollywood attempts to capitalize on the popularity ...
Finding Nemo is one of my favorite films of all time. Pixar made that endearing father son tale right as I was becoming a father myself and the movie has been a permanent place in my heart, as I imagine ...
I love the NFL, (1. Giants, 2. Jets, 3. NOBODY ELSE), and was surprised that movie such as ‘Concussion’ even exists. Most people identify the NFL as 1 of 2 things and that’s either a sport or a multi-billion dollar ...
Warner Bros has been doing a stellar job with their animated offerings for years, trumping Marvel relentlessly with quality original animated movies. They’ve been leaning more on Batman in recent years and continue the onslaught with their newest offering in ...
There’s a war going on outside, this rings especially true for the folks who happen to live in Chicago as the troubled city has experienced a violent death toll that exceeds those seen in actual wars. The violence witnessed on ...
The first TV spot for Star Wars the force awakens has been released and fans are gobbling it up and, undoubtedly, stitching it together with all previously released footage. Go ahead and take a look with your own eyes as ...
I want to stay positive about this one. I know there are like 15 million people who used to invest like $2000 a year to play the game that this film is based on and I don’t tick of the ...
I debated whether or not I would publish this trailer on the site. I’m not a huge fan of intimate romance films mainly because the ones I see seem so generic and regurgitated to the point that I wonder if ...
Just when we thought we wouldn’t get anything else until film release we’re delightfully surprised with this new international flavored trailer for Star Wars The Force Awakens. This new trailer offers more Daisy Ridley as Rey than the last trailer did ...
I must have been slipping on my movie game because I didn’t know there was a God’s Not Dead 1. Nor, did I know there was a part 2 in production. I watched the trailer because I love Melissa Joan ...
Quentin Tarantino and friends have released another fantastic looking trailer for The Hateful Eight. The movie already is loaded with talented actors and I can’t wait to see this one upon release. The Hateful Eight is about… do you really ...