Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Summer School Remake

They want to remake Summer School? Are you kidding me?!?! First of all the movie isn’t even 20 years old (It was done in 87). Second of all the original (while mildly entertaining) wasn’t even that good. Why the HELL ...

Roadhouse 2!

This is superb news, and is the good side of the madness of Sony’s sequel plans, Roadhouse 2 – The Last Call. A cheesy title, but Roadhouse was so much fun, and without bringing shame on my house I have ...

Hollow Man 2?!

We knew the sequelisation crowd was just getting out of hand, but Sony is about to either take it to new levels or recapture the art of sequelisation. It all depends on how you view the original movies, and the ...