Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Wolverine movie gets underway

The spin-off movie from the X-Men series for the Wolverine character has just gained a production deal, from Comic Book Movie: Variety reports that Seed Productions, the newly named producing venture headed by Hugh Jackman and John Palermo has struck ...

Halo Movie News

It looks like Universal and Fox Studios have reached an agreement with Microsoft on the development of a Halo film. Let’s just get this out of the way right now… this movie will make money. Why? Because little video gaming ...

Batman sequel signings

We haven’t even seen Batman Begins yet, well us mere mortals that is, and over at Dark Horizons they are talking about who’s signed up for the sequels. However, this news is coming straight from the stars and it does ...

X-Men 3 good news

The X-Men 3 news is coming thick and fast, and leaping from good to bad in the space of days. The latest is from IESB through Comic Book Movie and is an interview with Fox Filmed Entertainment Chairman Tim Rothman ...