Hahaha… ok… do you really need to read any further? Does anyone out there seriously have any doubt to the quality of xXx 2: State of the Union? Well… for those of you living in Never Never Land let me ...
Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.
Perhaps you thought that the superhero genre was looking towards a close and that Hollywood would move onto something else? Wrong. News from Variety through Comic Book Movie is that it’s the exact opposite, prepare for an onslaught of heroes. ...
Okay folks, for those of you who are awaiting Superman Returns we have the official plot description here courtesy of IGN Film Force through Comic Book Movie. For those of you who don’t want to read it, I’ve very kindly ...
Whenever you get a project that is based on a beloved book (such as The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy), you get the advantage of a built in audience for the film… but at the same time fanatics of the ...
For me, the Mummy films just sorta represent good fun Saturday afternoon fun. I don’t think anyone is crying foul that neither of them have won any Oscars… but they are enjoyable popcorn flicks. Now, the good folks over at ...
It’s amazing that announcements on casting are being made so late for movies like Silent Hill, which has just started filming, and Miami Vice which has already been filming for some time, remember that picture of Crocket we showed? Well ...
JoBlo has brought some exciting news this morning as I woke up. News about sequels for Sin City. Now for the news that I’m sure most people will agree is absolutely great. Robert Rodriguez will be shooting back to back ...
Okay, so we’ve heard the news from JoBlo about the sequels, but there’s something else, and I think it’s deserving of a separate post (mainly for Doug). Could Robert Rodrigeuz be shooting a Conan remake? Rodriguez plans to start shooting ...
I’m in trouble this morning, have to go work in twenty minutes and I think I just soiled my suit. The full Batman Begins trailer is out, go check it out at Apple. To quickly summarise my feelings on it, ...
During my comic years I read a UK series called The New Statesmen (I’m missing the final episode, so if anyone has it…) which showed the US genetically engineering superhero types to fight the wars that were ongoing. Once the ...
A new script has just been bought by Platinum Studios which will convert another comic character to the movie screen, Dead of Night. I can’t say I’ve read any Dylan Dog, but the premise sounds familiar and interesting. From Done ...
The sequel to Saw is getting closer, and the marketing machine begins to get underway for Saw 2 with this poster following the same style as the first movies marketing, gruesome. There’s not much else to say about it, it ...