I’ve never heard about this before, but Val Kilmer once starred in a movie called Dead Girl about necrophilia. Now that’s dead interesting. (Oh dear!) Movieweb carry the story from Variety. …ten years after production wrapped on the $3 million ...
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A couple of Bruce Willis related news items on Solace and would you believe it, Moonlighting. MovieWeb have the blurb of Solace from Variety: Willis will play a doctor with psychic powers who’s enlisted by the police to help catch ...
While we’re on rumour control today, let’s talk about that much talked about movie, X-Files 2. Film Fodder has some titbits from the DVD Empire interview with Chris Carter the man when it comes to the files. So what’s going ...
Looks like the news might be wrong about the latest incarnation of Jason being directed by Quentin Tarantino. In as close to denial as you can get without all parties concerned arriving on your front door, kicking it down screaming ...
X-Men 3 has a director, and it’s not who I thought it would be. Michael Vaughn who directed Layer Cake, Rope of Silicon have the news from Ain’t it Cool: Whether you have seen or heard of the Brit flick ...
Every once in a while a casting decision is made that just makes you go “Wow! I never would have thought of that… but it’s PERFECT!” That was the first reaction I had to the announcement a few years ago ...
Total Legend. Paul Newman is one of those rare iconic characters who just never seems to have a bad moment. It’s now being reported that Newman is going to retire after “one last project”. The good folks at JamShowbiz give ...
Awards, awards, awards. Who cares anymore? The Oscars are over right? Well the Empire Awards aren’t, and love them, loathe them, or not even care who they are, they do tend to have some interesting results. So, without further ado, ...
Guy Ritchie is having a real tough time, and it looks like it’s not going to be stopping anytime soon. I really liked Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and although I did feel Snatch carried a lot of the ...
Not too sure how concrete this one is, but FilmRot are carrying that the Director for Toy Story 3 has been chosen. Wooo, I can see the ripple of excitement run through that squeezed bandwidth. The reason I’m not too ...
Hey there folks. John here. Wow, remember back in the day when you thought having 40 gigs worth of bandwidth a month was more than you’d ever need in your life? Yeah… well I’ve just been informed that The Movie ...
Here’s the shortest review I’ve ever written. Robots is a pretty good film.It’s not spectacular. It’s not great. It’s not bad. It’s a fairly entertaining light family film with some nice moments and just enough funny parts to keep your ...