Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Miami Vice Movie News

Well it looks like it’s all official now. Miami Vice the Movie is moving full steam ahead. As a matter of fact, Universal has already set a release date for the film. If you wanna get in line for tickets ...

New Batman Begins Trailer

It was a great Superbowl this year (Way to go Patriots!!!!). However, my favorite part of this annual event was at half time when the new trailer for Batman begins came on the screen. Oh my yes! I’ve gotta be ...

Spider-Man 3 with Venom?

Ok, I’m all buzzing right now. Apparently the villain for Spier-Man 3 has been selected by the powers that be. However, they’re not officially letting anyone know who that villain will be. Having said that, director Sam Raimi had a ...