Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Son of the Mask trailer

File this one under stupid bad idea of the month. I’ll never understand how some movie exec heard a pitch for a The Mask sequel without Jim Carry and think to himself “Yeah, this sounds like a winner!” Good grief ...


Oh my goodness. Look at what Cinema Eye has dug up for us all: So, in order to end speculations and to answer those who emailed, kitanotakeshi.com can confirm, that Kitano indeed is making “Zatoichi 2”. As the story goes, ...

The Thomas Crown Affair 2

Sequels aren’t usually things I get too excited about. Having said that, I thought the first Thomas Crown Affair was pretty darn entertaining. Add to that the fact that I still think Pierce Brosnan is an under utilized actor and ...

Baywatch The Movie

Oh my goodness gracious. If you are a scientist looking for evidence that the human race is completely hopeless… you need look no further. Get ready kiddies, cause Baywatch The Movie is coming your way. Who thinks up this stuff? ...


Because of all the upheaval going on around The Movie Blog with changing hosts, upgrading Mt and changing Domain Registrars I haven’t got this post put up nearly as early as I wanted to. But oh well… here it is ...

The Simpsons Movie Update

I think this will be the crowning achievement of The Simpsons. No seriously, I really do. I’ve been excited about the concept for a long time, even though I know a lot of people have some serious reservations. Word now ...