Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Up And Running Again

Hey there folks! John here. You may have noticed that the site was down for a few hours today. That’s because we switched hosting companies. The traffic on the site has continued to climb every month to the point that ...

Dungeons & Dragons 3

Yes, you read that title right. Somewhere in the world, some brain trust that obviously made they’re money from an inheritance decided to not only produce a sequel to one of the most horrible pieces of cinematic trash you’d ever ...

Aronofsky Off The Watchmen

It’s funny, I’ve been getting a couple of emails and comments lately about Aronofsky’s attachment to the upcoming “The Watchmen” adaptation. Well, bad news folks… according the the good folks over at AICN it looks like Darren Aronofsky is officially ...

The Movie Blog: Audio Edition

Hey there boys and girls, John here. We’re about to try something new here at The Movie Blog. Tonight we’ll be recording our first installment of “The Movie Blog: Audio Edition“. It’s going to be a round table discussion format ...