Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Elektra’s Typhoid Mary

Ummm… is that Jennifer Garner about to kiss another woman? I need to go spend some time by myself. In the meantime, the USA Today is giving us all this first look at the villain Typhoid Mary from the upcoming ...

Pee-Wee Herman Returns?

I still remember how much of a kick I got out of Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure. Man that guy is nutty. Not to mention that besides Batman it’s the only Tim Burton film that I enjoyed. The only negative thing about ...

More Rambo 4 Talk

Oh goodness, someone seems to have puked on the floor… oh wait… that’s just the idea for a fourth Rambo movie. Ugg. The happy family over at Chud give us this quote from Stallone himself: “It won’t be what you ...

Ben Affleck Gets Guts Kicked In

Not literally… but man the box office was cruel to the man. In it’s opening weekend (you know, the weekend when a movie makes more money than on any other), Ben Affleck’s new film “Surviving Christmas” was utterly destroyed taking ...

Iron Man Movie is a go

The Superhero genre keeps marching on. It appears that the newest hero that will be making the jump to the big screen is Iron Man. The Big Wigs over at New Line have apparently bought in to the screenplay penned ...