Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Kevin Smith and Star Wars?

Ok, while we’re on the topic of Star Wars, how about this one. Movie Hole (among other places) is reporting that George Lucas has something up his sleeve for Star Wars after Episode III has it’s run in the theaters. ...

Shrek The Musical

This seems to be an ever growing trend. It used to be that big hits on the stage were turned into movies… but lately it’s working the other way around. Apparently Shrek is being geared up for a Broadway Musical. ...

Go Get Firefox

Hey there folks. Ok, I know this is off topic, but this is a Movie BLOG, so since this is internet related, I figure I can get away with it. After hearing so many people talk about it, I finally ...

Superman Has Been Cast!

The new Man of Steel has been chosen! Big thanks out to FilmRot.Com for notifying me of the following: Less than a week from Christopher Reeves tragic death word has come down that the new Bryan Singer helmed Superman film ...

Richard Reviews SAW

Wow. I just saw Saw and it was scarey, unpredictable, disturbing, and all those other words people are saying about it, it really is a good movie and gives some good surprises along the way. For me though, there were ...