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X-Men 3 and 4 talk

If you’ve read The Movie Blog for very long you know that I think the X-Men movies are the best comic films ever made. The first one totally resurrected the genre after Batman and Robin had killed it. Now the ...

Mmmm … Pang-y goodness …

Good news for fans of Thai wonder-twin directors Danny and Oxide Pang. The duo first built their name with the international success of Bangkok Dangerous, the story of a deaf mute hit man that played out like the illicit love ...

Ken Watanabe joins batman cast

At this point, it looks like EVERYTHING is going right for the new Batman film. The cast is already fantastic: Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Katie Holmes, Cillian Murphy, Liam Neeson (one of my favorite actors in the world) ...