Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

White and Nerdy

At first I howled my ass off at this video… but then realized that it hits every movie geek complex I have… so is it funny that it talks about my movie geekdom… or sad that I reflect it so ...

Ben Kingsley In You Kill Me

Ben Kingsley has a new film coming out called “You Kill Me” that looks pretty interesting. Kingsley career has been in a questionable slump recently (aside from the quite enjoyable “Lucky Number Slevin”). The man could do no wrong for ...

Old School 2 in the works

There is talk around Hollywood these days that Old School is going to have a sequel. Old School was a very successful, funny, all around good time movie so this isn’t surprising. The people over at cinemafusion.com give us this: ...

Catchprase Gameshow

Ok, once in a while I’ll throw up a non-movie related item if I think it’s really important or really funny. This one is really funny! It’s a clip from the UK game show “Catchphrase”. The idea looks simple, a ...