Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Cars Traler #2

I’ve gone on record a number of times saying I LOVE every single thing Pixar has ever put their outrageously talented hands to. Everything they touch turned to gold. But I’ve also got to admit that I’m more than a ...

Warcraft The Movie

You’ll have to forgive me if I seem a little giddy. But they’ve just announced that Warcraft is indeed being turned into a motion picture!!! The good folks over at IGN give us the following: Legendary Pictures, the production company ...

Top 10 Disaster Movies

Lists are ultimately pointless and stupid… but I like them anyway! They’re always good for discussion, because you’ll never agree 100% with them. On that note, the folks over at Film Force just posted up their “Top 10 Disaster Films” ...

Knight Rider Movie

We’ve talked before about the whispers of a Knight Rider movie. Well, it looks like those whispers are turning into shouts. Seems that the Weintein Company and Dimension Films are getting the ball rolling on it, and Glen Larson himself ...