Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Spider-man 3 Plot

Take this one with a grain of salt folks. A film site I like to visit once in a while (Movie Tab) has put up what they claim is the “Official Plot Summary” for Spider-Man 3. How do they have ...

Ocean’s 13

I really enjoyed Ocean’s 11. I even liked Ocean’s 12… just not as much. Well now here comes the word that Ocean’s 13 is on its way: George Clooney’s an Academy Award winner, he and his crew are returning to ...

Arrested Development Movie

Just the other day my friend Dave Blondel from Pocket Sized Films was over here and asking me if I’ve ever watched Arrested Development… to which I replied “no” (I don’t watch a lot of TV besides Battlestar Galactica, news ...

“Fuck” the Movie

I guess it was only a matter of time. Here comes “Fuck” the movie. Hot on the heel of “The Aristocrats” (which is just hilarious by the way), a movie which traces the life of a single joke as told ...

Watchmen May Have A Director

Watchmen has been “on again/off again” almost as much as the new Indiana Jones project of the last couple of years. Now it looks like there could finally be some real tangible movement on the film. According to AICN, Watchmen ...