Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

More games from movies

The uber games publisher Ubisoft has been shouting about how it wants to create more games from movies. Wooo. Great news. Does that mean more games built using the same engine with different movie voices and characters as per Lord ...

Casino Royale casting complete?

Casino Royale continues to try and get press headlines with it’s dubious casting rumours. Do you know we’ve been through about ten possible female leads already? It’s worse than the rumours for Bond himself. Well now supposedly the casting has ...

Golden Globe Results 2006

Well… the results are in for the 2006 Golden Globe Awards. Here are the results. Commentary to follow tomorrow. (YOU CAN READ JOHN’S POST AWARDS ARTICLE “WAS THERE A POLITICAL AGENDA AT THE GOLDEN GLOBES” HERE) BEST MOTION PICTURE – ...