Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Underworld 3 planned?

We’ve not even seen the release of Underworld: Evolution and Len Wiseman (co-writer, Director and squeeze of Kate Beckinsale) is talking about Underworld 3 already! According to Sci-Fi Wire through Coming Soon there might be more than just one sequel ...

Own your own Porn Company!

Now I don’t just mean physically, I mean the whole shooting match (if you’ll pardon the pun) from complete DVD Inventory and Archives to a complete Editing Suite, Cameras and Lighting equipment, Real Estate network for shooting, working relationships with ...

Mummy Returns 3 or 4?

Yes, more sequel news, and one that’s been sequel-ed and spinned off to death. Well, two and one, surely that’s enough. The Mummy and The Mummy Returns were funny action movies with some cool sequences, there’s nothing really bad you ...