Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Avil Lavigne joins The Flock

Avril Lavigne is set to appear in The Flock alongside Richard Gere! Another singer turning actress. You know part of me is just thinking these are Studio ploys trying to get younger audiences back to the Cinema, they know they ...

First Descent trailer

Like Snowboarding? Well I do, I really enjoy it…although I hardly ever get out to do it nowadays and I’m not that great at it! Still the trailer from the Snowboarding movie First Descent looks spectacular. Much like the conception ...

Richard’s Birthday!

Yes, this is a blatant self promotional post, and for no other reason than to say it’s my Birthday. Movie related presents, Alias season four on DVD (before it’s on the telly in the UK) and Seinfeld box set! Loads ...

Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD update

Okay, there’s a number of news updates here. Blu-Ray release dates announced and launch plans follow, Blu-Ray argues MPEG-2 or 4, HD-DVD 90% cheaper than Blu-Ray (initially), and are they both obselete to Holographic Storage? All these issues are coming ...

X-Men 3 storyboard spoilers

The Fantastic Four DVD contains some interesting additional features for X-Men 3 in the form of Storyboard teasers, however you should be very aware that there are spoilers here. Over at Comic Book Movie they carry the link to the ...

No Green Hornet and Dogma 2?

Kevin Smith has been talking across the Internet with his fans and typical Internet flamers, and there’s some interesting information coming out on the subject of Clerks 2, a sequel to Dogma and the Green Hornet movie. Cinematical have the ...

Adrian returns to Rocky

So we didn’t think that Talia Shire was returning to the new Rocky movie as Rocky’s wife, but apparently she will. Sure, sure, she’s dead I know, as do Cinematical where I caught the story. Yet she’ll be returning in ...