Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Is Shrek played out?

The previous Director of the series, Andrew Adamson, is talking about the new Shrek movie due out 2007, about how he’s involved and trying to keep the life in the series, and what the key to the story this time ...

Cars Trailer

The newest trailer, or “teaser” if you will, for the new Pixar film Cars has hit the apple website, and man, from just a VISUAL point of view it’s astonishing. The environments look so REAL I thought I could stick ...

Starsky and Hutch remake

I can’t believe that there’s a remake hungry industry out there that could top Hollywood with one of its announcements, but there is, and it’s France. A French TV channel have announced that they are going to remake the Starksy ...

Tomb Raider 3?

While the videogame itself is undergoing a huge transformation and a new and improved version is in the works to revitalise the slightly sagging character, the movie franchise seems alive and well. Talk is that Angelina Jolie is set to ...