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US TV shows corpses

That’s the result of a new shock horror report just out. (That’s a phrase my Dad will smile at and probably no one else.) It claims that there are more and more corpses being shown on US TV, in fact ...

Rush Hour 3 News

Oh good grief! It looks like Rush Hour 3 is indeed going to be heading into production after all… and I’m glad about that… but at what price??? As we’ve talked about a lot here on The Movie Blog, Chris ...

White Noise 2

I thought White Noise was a pretty decent movie. Not a classic by any stretch of the imagination, but it was nice to see Michael Keaton is that kind of a role. It didn’t make a ton of money (about ...

DVD Format War update

A couple of updates in the world of the DVD format war between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD today, nothing exceptionally major, but some interesting developments for those of you following this and not just already agreed that Blu-Ray have clinched it. ...

Tekken movie possible cast?

This list of the proposed cast of the new Tekken movie seems to be conjecture, although how much we won’t know until final casting, but I thought you would like to see it and start off some discussion. Strangely there’s ...

Superman Teaser online

Yeah, just as everyone else has probably told you, but hey, I was sleeping, so what can I say. Anyway, the Superman Teaser Trailer is now live online and available to download and view. So why am I not all ...

TideLand trailer online

The new Terry Gilliam film has dropped its trailer online at the TideLand official site. Well I’m really not sure what to think of this, watching the trailer it looks all over the place and there’s nothing really that coherent ...