Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Narnia Director talks

An article over at Digital Spytalks about the much anticipated Narnia movies, and what movie fan isn’t waiting to see this awesome trilogy? The trailers are captivating, and the comments and pictures to date are extremely complimentary and very gorgeous. ...

Edison trailer

Edison features some interesting stars, Kevin Spacey, Morgan Freeman, John Heard and others such as LL Cool J and Justin Timberlake. Yes John, they are singers turned actors – dun dun DUN! – something you definitely don’t care for. However, ...

Transformers changes

Until now we’d heard about some changes in dribs and drabs, but now seeing them all written down courtesy of Cinema Blend. They go the same way I would on the changes in the Transformers movie, where we were first ...

Rambo IV poster?

I saw this story over at Film Rotation first, but dtheatre have a link to the full size poster. FilmRot have an interesting take on the Rambo movie: …little is known, except it may involve survivalists and the abduction of ...

Rock says no to Terminator

I hadn’t really heard that many rumours about The Rock taking over the mantle of the Terminator from Arnold Schwarzenegger, but comments from Rock on Dark Horizons are killing that rumour…that rumour I hadn’t really heard. …denied rumours that he ...

John Is In Saskatchewan

Hey there folks. John here. Just a few in house items. First of all I’m writing this post from the great big (and FLAT) province of Saskatchewan. I’m going to be here (in Regina and Saskatoon) for the next week. ...