Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Castlevania The Movie

Oh yes my friends, Castlevania the movie is on it’s way. Why castlevania? Well… why not Castlevaniz? they’re making every other video game into a pathetic movie… why not this one too? Oh but wait! Perhaps they’ll get a guy ...

Halo Movie Update

The cogs are still turning on the Halo movie project. The good folks over at FilmForce are reporting that Halo the movie will begin shooting before May 2006 and has a target of mid 2007 as a release date. I ...

Jackass 2

I wasn’t that big a fan of the first Jackass movie. It had a couple of very funny spots in it… but it was way too little. And before any of you hit me with that lame line “you just ...