Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Mrs. Doubtfire 2

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Via Freezedried Movies, we now know that Robin Williams will be dressing up as the lovable British granny Mrs. Euphegenia Doubtfire in Mrs. Doubtfire 2. I know it’s been years past for a sequel to be produced. In fact, ...

A Look Inside King Kong

Apple has a nice little video up they’re calling “A Look Inside King Kong”. It’s under 3 minutes but is surprisingly effective. In the video we see the usual stars saying how great the film will be and Peter Jackson ...

MTV Is A Little Confused

I won’t go into the whole “MTV is suffering from a massive identity crisis” speech that everyone in the world seems to be saying already… but I just found this one really funny… Ok, you all know how much I ...

Fan Boys

Fans Boys sounds like a film designed specifically for my friends and I. It appears that The Weinstein Company is getting themselves ready to do a film that they will indeed call “Fan Boys”. The good folks over at Cinema ...

Silent Hill pictures

Movies Online are carrying a link to Yahoo who have some character on set photos from the upcoming Silent Hill movie, and you know what? They actually look pretty good. Yes there’s not much to see, but the sets and ...