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Kung Fu High School

A title like Kung Fu High School doesn’t exactly generate a lot of excitment does it? Kung Fu High School? Kinda makes you think of 3 Ninjas doesn’t it? So what are the Weinsteins thinking putting up some big money ...

Iron Man dead?

According to Variety through Comic Book Movies it looks like the long anticipated Iron Man is set to get filed…awww…Iron…filed?! According to Variety, Iron Man looks likely to revert back to the comic book publisher (Marvel) after more than two ...

Zach Braff is Fletch?

Over at Dark Horizons they are reporting that MTV has announced the new Fletch: “Scrubs” star Zach Braff…said: “They’re huge shoes to fill… if people see any similarities, he was a goofy guy who wasn’t your stereotypical magazine poster boy, ...

Sin City TV series?

Well if anyone can pull this off it’s those Weinstein Brothers with their new company. From Variety through the SciFi Blog, the news is that Sin City is set to movie to the small screen: Variety says the bloated Weinstein ...

Uwe Boll revealed

You know it’s been asked so many times how Uwe Boll can do it, get away with making such bad movies, command big stars and big budgets, and make it work every time. Well an interesting article from Cinema Blend ...