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Poltergeist returns

Seems as though there’s another Poltergeist movie in the works. I would take this with a pinch of salt seeing as it’s Ananova, however their source is Moviehole, so this might be okay. called Poltergeist: Kayeri will deal with Native ...

Saw 2 clip

Slow down though folks, it’s on Yahoo from Movies Online, and that means to me no play. So, it’s up to you, if you can get Yahoo’s inbuilt player to play, go watch the clip and report back here – ...

Slither trailer

Now this is a total surprise, I don’t recall hearing anything about this movie until this trailer and it actually looks quite good fun. Okay, so Nathan Fillion just seems like he’s straight from Serenity, but it still looks like ...

Underworld Evolution Trailer

I’ve said this before… I wasn’t thrilled with the first Underworld movie… but it had enough going for it and good enough backstory and style that a sequel was something I’d be interested in. Well… now a trailer has surfaced. ...

Ice Age 2 Voices

I thought the original Ice Age was pretty cute. It doesn’t come close to anything Pixar has put out… but it was worth while nonetheless. Enough so, that when I heard that they were doing an Ice Age 2 I ...

Hitman gains writer

The Vin Diesel starrer Hitman has just gained the writer from Swordfish, Skip Woods. From Digital Spy. Nothing too exciting, but I think it’s a good sign. The style of Swordfish (despite some of it’s doh moments) would look pretty ...