I really can’t believe this, not only are Hollywood remaking every good Asian film out there, but they’re also remaking sequels! The Eye is already being remade from the original Jian gui, from Coming Soon: Gold Circle Films and Vertigo ...
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Over at Wikipedia by means of Cinematical, there’s talk about some of the plot lines that are going to be in Sin City 2. As usual to protect the innocent you’ll have to read the rest of the story for ...
Over at The Sci-Fi Blog they have some words from the writers on The Transformers movie, whatever it ends up being called. Some of it is good, and a little is not so hot. Q: So Megatron, tank or gun? ...
Considering what films Kirsten Dunst is known for I find her an unusual, but not necessarily wrong, choice for this latest Iraq film. From MovieWeb: According to Variety, Kirsten Dunst will play Marla Ruzicka in a film about the 28-year-old ...
I caught this story over at the Sci-Fi Blog about a Production member on the film of Danny Boyle‘s latest movie Sunshine, well it’s untitled so far but that’s what we’re all calling it. Via Aint-it-Cool-News, there’s news that someone ...
I can’t stress this enough, if you like your horror movies with suspense galore and a huge creeping scare factor, then you have to go and see Sigaw on the big screen. As I’ve said before the DVD is great, ...
Just 2 months before the release of King Kong, Peter Jackson and composer Howard Shore and parted ways. Just recently news of another director/composer duo split when Sam Raimi and Danny Elfman went the separate ways… both vowing never to ...
Elektra was a total bomb in almost every meaning of the phrase. Critics hated it, the audience hated it and it’s probably already reserved it’s place on most “Worst Movies of 2005” lists. Considering it forerunner Daredevil enjoyed modest success ...
Could Michelle Yeoh appear in Indiana Jones 4? I remember almost five years ago first hearing the rumour that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas were interested in Yeoh for a role in the next Indy film. But at the same ...
I don’t get this one at all, the author of His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass Philip Pullman, which is the first movie in the Materials trilogy to come to the screen, has openly attacked the movie The Chronicles of ...
Well it’s officially been a year today since I started writing for the Movie Blog, and I mean spot on. My first article was called The A-Team gets a writer and we still haven’t seen anything from that movie yet! ...
We’ve talked about the BMW Films before, starring Clive Owen in their series of shorts entitled The Hire. Well the news from Autoblog is that BMW are to remove them from the site on October 21st and only offer them ...