Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

V for Vendetta gets rating

…and the interesting thing is that’s it’s an ‘R’ rating. From Comic Book Movie: Warner Bros.’ V for Vendetta movie will be rated R for strong violence and some language, according to the Motion Picture Association of America. Now there’s ...

Daniel Craig IS Bond

It’s all decided folks, after the speculation that drove us mad, the new Bond has been unveiled first, but only after his Mum got too excited and leaked the news to everyone! From Yahoo: Craig’s selection was revealed as he ...

Flynn on Flynn

The persona that was Errol Flynn far outweights the actor himself, and it seems the Studios have just become interested in the idea too. What’s more than that is the screenplay comes from the very man’s Grandson and is also ...

No screenings for Fog

This has been a very telling sign in the past, in the way that if there are no Press Screenings prior to a movie release it’s usually because it’s very bad and the studio don’t want the Press to know ...

Spielberg to make games

This is probably the biggest games \ movie news to date, and it’s not really in the direction we would have expected. It’s not about a videogame coming to the movies with a big budget, big script, big stars, no. ...

Wolf Creek delayed by Courts?

I reviewed Wolf Creek a little while ago, and it was good, a very effective horror with some totally genuinely horror moments. Please do read the review, there are never any spoilers in my reviews, and hopefully enough information to ...

Robbie Williams biopic?

So the big fanbase for Robbie Williams is mainly UK based, but there’s surely enough to warrant some discussion on this story from Digital Spy. Paramount Pictures have apparently optioned the movie rights to Robbie Williams’ life. Whilst in rehab ...

Spielberg invents new experience

According to Digital Spy the rather lacklustre of late Steven Spielberg has been distracted by something quite different. If you’ll remember way back he pioneered something exceptionally cool in movies, the push-pull shot, well now he’s even started working on ...

Arnold in Terminator 4?

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 4? I know there have been whispers and rumours about it over the last few months… but nothing more than fanboy chatter in forums and the like. But now the first actual “source” is saying that ...