My first thought when I heard that Basic Instinct 2 going into production was “Are you kidding me?”. Don’t get me wrong, the first Basic Instinct was a pretty decent flick and has become one of those pop culture milestone ...
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King Kong is getting closer (With a December release date). And so you can expect that promotional material is going to come gushing out of Hollywood pretty damn quick. New King Kong trailers, King Kong TV spots, King Kong breakfast ...
V for Vendetta was pushed back to a March 17th 2006 release date without much explanation as to why. Since then, we haven’t really heard much about the production… and when nothing much is being said, rumours start to abound. ...
For the life of my I can’t remember where I found this link, but I just had to share it with you guys. I came across this deadly (can you believe I just said “deadly”?) website called How It Should ...
A Spanish blog claims to have screen shots for an upcoming X-Men 3 teaser trailer. Unlike the bogus story flating around last week of an X-Men 3 trailer description (which I said was bogus right from the start), this one ...
Wallace and Gromit did take top place at the Box Office this week. But that’s like bragging you beat up the smallest kid in the school. Competition was VERY weak… which is kinda sad. Wallace and Gromit took first place ...
Todd over at Twitch has dropped news of another Jarhead trailer on us. The trailer is over at Apple and comes in at a 22.3Mb download. It’s another stylish piece that makes this movie even more attractive to me, I’m ...
I was just forced to watch some of Dirty Dancing on the UK TV channel, Five. I know, but what could I do, my girlfriend had the pizza in front of the TV, I had to! It seems Five is ...
I read this over at Cinematical and I must admit it did spark something in my head that I’d read ages ago, but I’m not sure if it was the same thing. Regardless it seems as if there is going ...
Hey there folks. Not many people know this, but The Movie Blog actaully came about as a result of my personal blog that I kept a few years ago. I LOVED blogging. But I started noticing that many of my ...
Into The Blue, starring Jessica Alba’s ass, is in theaters and getting a horrible drumming from the critics (but come on… honestly… did anyone actually think this movie even had a chance of being any good?) When I’m at the ...
This week, reports across the web are stating that Mia Farrow has joined the cast of John Moore’s 1976 remake of The Omen [Via: Fangoria]. Mia Farrow, who revealed that she√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢ll be appearing in the OMEN remake that rolls this ...