Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

New Line Cinema’s Boob Job

New Line Cinema has purchased the comedy “Boob Job” and Michael Markowitz will be writing the script [Via: The Hollywood Reporter]. The idea was hatched when New Line exec Cale Boyter spoke at Benderspink’s recent weekly company lunch where industry ...

Serenity Reviews

Serenity is a film I’ve been looking forward to for a long time… and now here it is. Based on the all too short lived show Firefly, Serenity marks what I’m sure will be the first of many Joss Whedon ...

More Spike Movie Talk

The other day Richard posted a story about a potential Spike (a vampire character from Buffy the vampire slayer and Angel TV shows) movie (see the post here). Since I loved the Angel TV show I’d be interested in this… ...