Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Unknown White Male Trailer

Okay – this is weird stuff. Perhaps it’s because I’ve known someone who’s completely lost their memory – or perhaps it’s just flat out odd. This trailer just popped up on ifilm about half a second ago… Unknown White Male ...

Derailed trailer online

Apologies again because I can’t watch this at work, but no problem, we’ll leave you to watch it and review it for us all. This is the AOL hosted trailer for Derailed courtesy of dtheatre, the thriller starring Clive Owen ...

Set pictures from DOA

Well that’s what I was promised from Coming Soon, but they didn’t deliver. Posted on DOA Central, the fan site dedicated to all things DOA, the pictures don’t actually display. Perhaps temporary glitch, perhaps they’ve been removed. However it’s worth ...

Joss Whedon film update

Apart from working on Wonder Woman, there’s not much else for Joss Whedon to do at the moment. So that’s probably why Coming Soon are reporting that he’s picked to Direct a new script he’s just written called Goner: Universal ...

G8 Protest Documentary

Living in Edinburgh and, at the time, working in the centre, I received a perfect view of some of the G8 “protests”. Part of the side that wasn’t too widely known over the peaceful people trying to persuade Bush et ...

Rockstar makes movies

Some of you will probably be wondering who Rockstar are, although it’s more likely that most of you will know due to the controversy that follows them everywhere – If you were to believe news reports they are the biggest ...

Corpse Bride Reviews

Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride… here it is. I haven’t been looking forward to this at all. In general I’m not a Tim Burton fan. I must admit I did quite enjoy his Charlie and the Chocolate Factory… but 1 movie ...

Flightplan Reviews

Deep down I wanted the Flightplan reviews to be positive. I like Jody Foster and was hoping Flightplan would be a vehicle to reassert herself in the Hollywood sphere. But right from the first trailer I has a feeling it ...