Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Madagascar 2

Madagascar. The first 3D animated movie that I ever trully hated. This movie was junk from top to bottom. Horrible story, painful script, mediocre animation, annoying voice acting. There was very little (maybe the penguins) that was redeemable about this ...

Underworld Evolution Pics

You know what counts as a good day? Getting pics of a dripping wet Kate Beckinsale in Underworld Evolution pics! Damn I’m looking forward to this film… and no, not just because Beckinsale is hot as Jamaican sand. I liked ...

Jurassic Park 4

The Jurassic Park films have gotten progressively worse and worse (the first one was amazing… second one was ok… third sucked dung), and yet I still have a fun time watching them. Yes, even the third one. The most important ...

Beowulf Script Review

Beowulf os one of the stories that people have been desperatly waiting to be turned into a major motion pictre (there are other Beowulf projects in existence). Nothing stirs the viggor like a barbarian tale! Arrgggg! If you’re not actually ...