Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Bishop In X-Men 3?

Word is floating around this morning that X-Men 3 may be adding everyones favorite time displaced anergy absorbing mutant known as Bishop to the film. This kind of rumour is both exciting and terrifying for me. It’s exciting because I’ve ...

In Her Shoes

Alright… confession time. As you know, I’m pretty much a sucker for all things comic or sci-fi. But believe it or not, my film interests do go far beyond that. Take for instance In Her Shoes. “I’m sorry John… did ...

Bloodsport 2

I still remember the first time I saw Bloodsport. I saw it on a Saturday afternoon matinee on a sunny day with my girlfriend at the time Cheryl and it was at the Centre Mall Cinemas. I remember all this ...

Brosnan is not Bond.

Definitely not according to the actor during a press conference, he’s more concerned that the concentration is on his current projects and the upcoming productions from his production company Irish DreamTime. From EcranLarge.com through Coming Soon: “I won’t be part ...