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Saw 2 Pictures

While I didn’t think Saw was one of the great thriller films of all time, I did enjoy it. The premise was fantastic… but I found the execution a little lacking… but overall it was a pretty solid film. Now, ...

Scream 4 for Neve Campbell

Unfortunately I missed Neve Campbell‘s first nude scene in the movie When will I be loved? at the Edinburgh Film Festival this year, however that pales into insignificance if this rumour comes to fruition…another Scream? Talking to IconsofFright, Wes Craven, ...

Orson Welles returns

According to Film247.net through Cinematical the son of John Huston, Danny Huston, is to play the great Orson Welles… …in the film Fade To Black…Huston will play him as a still-vital 36-year-old as he worked to complete a thriller script ...

Capote Trailer

I just finished watching the new Capote trailer with Philip Seymour Hoffman. It looks just fantastic and I can’t wait to see it at the Toronto Film Festival later next week. Here’s a synopsis for the film: On November 15, ...

Fall Movie Preview

This has not been a great year for film… and by looking at the Fall Movie Preview lineup… it’s not looking much better. out of the 40+ films slater to still come out this season… there are maybe 5 I’m ...