Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Major Spider-Man 3 Spoiler

Ok, we all know that rumours about films (especially that have hardly begun production) are iffy at best. And there have been no shortage of Spider-Man 3 rumours already floating around for us all to gorge ourselves on. Well folks… ...

Little Manhattan Trailer

STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING!!! I just watched an AMAZING little trailer for a film coming out over the next few months called “Little Manhattan“. To be totally honest I’ve never even heard of this film… and now I can’t think ...

Domino Website Launches

The official website for Domino has launched. It’s an ok site… visually really nice and some interesting stuff on it… but nothing that’s going to blow your socks off. I really wish studios would hold off on launching sites until ...