Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.

Little Britain movie?

I’m not sure if the BBC really have their priorities right. With recent issues clouding their usual impartial judgement, particularly in the bowing to Government pressure in their news section, shutting down of many of their activities, high scheduling of ...

Top 10 Cars in Movies

Top 10 lists are always fun ways of starting some discussion on any given topic, and movie related topics are no exception. In the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly, the magazine lists it’s version of the top 10 movie cars. ...

Zoolander 2

I don’t care what anyone else says. I LOVED ZOOLANDER! I laughed my fool ass off so many times in that film is defies belief. Yes it’s dumb, yes it’s an insult to our intelligence… but it… made… me… laugh. ...